Life Gets Busy…Cleaning Been On Hold

22 Aug

This past week we have been busy, busy!!

We puppy-sat Pablo for three very loooooong days and trust me, most of the time he did not sleep.


He barked, he trotted around everywhere we went, he collected every and any stray object he found on the floor and we played chase that dog and get that thing off him.

IMG_2901 (Small)

My eldest went from single digit ages to double digits.ย  Ahhhh!

So there was plenty of baking,


celebrating and guests


and presents too of course which meant plenty of time playing with new things.


One of his gifts was a day out at the Ekka.


It was a lovely day out but it was very crowded…just us and 80 000 others.

My arm was sore from dagging my little men through the crowds and they complained of sore hands from my tight grasp on them!


We stayed right through to closing time so of course we were exhausted the next day.


Then squeeze in some school, our normal grocery and errands afternoon and a playdate….and you can see that there was no time at all for additional cleaning, above and beyond the usual stuff that keeps our heads above water of course.

I’ll get back on task with my cleaning challenges soonish though.ย  So stay tuned.


Posted by on August 22, 2011 in Family Life


4 responses to “Life Gets Busy…Cleaning Been On Hold

  1. April

    August 22, 2011 at 10:07 pm

    Oh Tracey, your cakes always look fab! My little girl turned 5 last week and she requested a store bought Freddo ice-cream cake… Says a lot about my baking skills ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Tracey

    August 22, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    The secret to my cakes – cake mix, store bought icing lathered on thick, Kit-Kats around the sides held with a ribbon and Crispy M&Ms poured generously on top. Whack a candle on top and you have my new favourite cake.

    • Bernadette

      August 23, 2011 at 12:32 am

      it still looks delicious and even sounds more delicious now, Mmmm crispy M&M’s nom nom ๐Ÿ˜€

      gosh 10! *sigh* they all grow up too fast. you will have to update your ‘about me’ profile ๐Ÿ˜€

      Happy Birthday Ethan ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Tracey

    August 23, 2011 at 9:39 am

    Oh yes. My profile! I’d have forgotten about that. Thank you Bernadette.


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